Rising Stars Awards Winner 2024 – Most Memorable Moment

Miller Redpath Memorial Award for Most Memorable Moment
This award in presented in memory of one of our founder members, Miller Redpath, who sadly died in 2013. Miller’s personality, unique singing voice and head-banging style of dancing are always the first things we remember when thinking of that initial show.
The Memorable Moment Award is given to a person or group of people involved in an event or incident which springs instantly to mind when recalling a production in the last 12 months.
AND THE WINNER IS….. The entire cast of That’s Life!

The cast of That’s Life! was something special. From the very first rehearsal, they bonded as a team, supported each other and worked extremely hard to develop the show from it’s lowly beginnings to our usual high standards.
The Most Memorable Moment occurred during the opening number of the Saturday performance. An electrical storm earlier in the day had already caused power fluctuations and outages in the area. A sudden surge caused the sound desk to go haywire, leaving our sound engineer with no option but to kill the backing track and restart the system.
Technical problems like these usually spell disaster but not for our cast. Without hesitation they finished the song completely unaccompanied, including humming the music for the dance break. It turned out to be an absolute show-stopper, with rapturous applause from the appreciative audience who acknowledged their skill and bravery.
Thank you to the entire cast for a marvellous memory.